Cedar Rapids
Congregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are organized into specific geographic areas called "stakes" (a Biblical reference to what strengthens the tent of Zion; see Isaiah 54:2 KJV). The Cedar Rapids Stake comprises nine different congregations, three of which meet in Cedar Rapids. The other six serve members living in or near Waterloo, Cedar Falls, Waverly, Manchester, Mt. Vernon, and Fayette. While Iowa's first organized Mormon congregations were established in other towns, the Cedar Rapids stake is the oldest in Iowa. It was formed in 1966.
Members of the Cedar Rapids stake sponsor an annual Nativity Celebration at their meetinghouse located at 4150 Blue Jay Dr., NE, Cedar Rapids. Held every first weekend in December, the community event attracts between 1,500-2,000 visitors, features free entertainment by popular local musical groups, and provides visitors with a truly international experience. On display are hundreds of nativity sets from dozens of countries, in all shapes, from a multitude of materials, and with a variety of whimsical to sacred interpretations on the theme.
Approximate Members in Stake
Members Serving Full-time Missions in Ten Different Countries
Approximate Number of Visitors to the Annual Nativity Celebration