Davenport Stake
Congregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are organized into specific geographic areas called "stakes" (a Biblical reference to what strengthens the tent of Zion; see Isaiah 54:2 KJV).
The Davenport Stake was formed in 1978, but the first congregation of the LDS Church in Davenport began meeting in 1902. Today, the stake is comprised of nine congregations straddling the Mississippi River, thus having members from both Iowa and Illinois. Congregations are located in Dubuque, Davenport, Moline, DeWitt, and Clinton.
Approximate Members in Stake
Members Serving Full-time Missions Outside Iowa
square miles within stake boundaries
different staging sites used on one day in 2016 serving with the Red Cross and other community members to install hundreds of smoke alarms in homes without adequate protection