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Cedar Valley Flooding 2016


As rivers rose to near-record levels in September and sandbag walls rose higher, many Iowa Mormons joined with friends and neighbors throughout cities like Cedar Falls, Waterloo, Waverly, Cedar Rapids, and more to help where possible and pray for their communities. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints donated cleaning kits and water to the American Red Cross that will be distributed to homeowners needing to clean out flooded basements. The Red Cross had already distributed more than 1,500 cleaning kits to towns hit early in the flooding. The first kits to be distributed had been donated to the Red Cross by the LDS Church some years earlier. Once that supply was exhausted, kits from other sources filled the gap, and the Church sent another 420 kits to assist with ongoing clean-up efforts. The Red Cross volunteers who unloaded the arriving truck were full of energy for their work, despite many having put in days of long hours setting up shelters, organizing teams to assess damage, coordinating distribution of food and relief supplies, and so much more. It was an honor to witness their drive to serve, their tenacity to be prepared, and their willingness to work together. Many had traveled from across the country to lend a helping hand. We are honored to partner with the Red Cross on occasion in the common goal to relieve suffering and provide comfort to those in need.

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