Habitat for Humanity provides hope to many who are striving to care for their families with limited means. Volunteers across the country and even throughout the world give a little of their time and talents to help build homes for these families. On Saturday, October 22, several Latter-day Saints from Cedar Falls, Iowa, teamed up with the Heartland Habitat for Humanity chapter to work on a new home in Waterloo. The brisk morning temperatures gave way to perfect Fall weather for a busy day of framing walls and building a porch, among other tasks. "This was a great experience for me. We met the future homeowner, who was there working hard, and I learned some things I didn't know about building. Mostly, it felt so good to serve. I can't wait to do it again!" reported Peter Neibert after his day of serving. Iowa Mormons are grateful to be among the thousands of volunteers from all backgrounds who serve in this worthy cause.
Building A Future